中文名称: 夏天的摇篮曲 其他名称: 波吉和贝丝 介绍Title 夏天的摇篮曲 故事发生在1930年。贫民聚居地经常发生聚赌和斗殴。一天,码头工人克朗失手打死了人而畏罪潜逃,他的姘妇贝丝为躲避警察而躲进跛脚乞丐波吉家,两人从此同居。过了不久,克朗突然在波吉面前,要带走贝丝,波吉奋力解救,杀死了克朗,被警察带走。贝丝后来也被拐骗至纽约,沦为娼妓。 乔治·格什温(1898~1937)是美国当代大作曲家。描写黑人贫民生活的歌剧《波吉和贝丝》是他创作的顶峰。歌剧以爵士音乐为主,并大量采用了黑人灵歌。评论界认为这出歌剧是“格什温对音乐的一个最重要的贡献”。 这首摇篮曲是影片开始时,贝丝给富人看管孩子时唱的。 英文歌词: Summertime Summertime and the living is ***.Fish are jumping and the cotton is high. Oh,your daddy's rich and your mom is good-looking. So hush,little baby don't you cry. One of these morming's you going to rise up singing. Then you'll spread your wings and you'll take the sky. But till that morning, There's nothing can harm you with Daddy and Mammy standing by.。
《摇篮曲》用英语怎么说lullaby; berceuse; cradlesong; cradle-song;都可以表示摇篮曲。
《摇篮曲》有多个英文版本。 以下为Chloe的版本,纯净空灵。 歌词: Roses whisper goodnight need save your light Asleep in the dew they hide from our view When the dawn peepeth through God will wake them and you When the dawn peepeth through God will wake them and you Slumber sweetly my dear for the angels are near To watch over you the silent night through And to bear you above to the dream land of love And to bear you above to the dream land of love。