


五只小鸭不听话,跑到很远地方去玩耍,母鸭叫着嘎嘎嘎,只有四只小鸭回了家.四只小鸭不听话,跑到很远地方去玩耍,母鸭叫着嘎嘎嘎,只有三只小鸭回了家.三只小鸭不听话,跑到很远地方去玩耍,母鸭叫着嘎嘎嘎,只有二只小鸭回了家.二只小鸭不听话,跑到很远地方去玩耍,母鸭叫着嘎嘎嘎,只有一只小鸭回了家.一只小鸭不听话,跑到很远地方去玩耍,母鸭叫着嘎嘎嘎,没有一只小鸭回了家.母鸭出去找小鸭,一边走一边嘎嘎嘎 ,小鸭听见妈妈叫,赶快跟着妈妈回了家.。



捉迷藏 - 洛天依词:ARTEMIS曲:黄柯清编曲:有了君零点的秋千独自在摇荡橱窗的白木偶迷惑地张望匹诺曹是否在说谎它说是谁在我身旁啼血的夜莺仍不休歌唱殷红落在木马上一起旋转红桃皇后化着浓妆兔子先生正要拜访我的眼睛蒙上了我的朋友们 快和我来玩捉迷藏我的眼睛蒙上了我的朋友们 是谁在我身旁世界是个巨大的游乐场谁在黑暗中躲藏烙入面具迷失了方向蒙眼小丑笑着 献上心脏世界是个巨大的迷宫屏障谁在这里被遗忘黑猫跑入无人的街巷那边的小孩 快来玩捉迷藏生锈的摩天轮吱嘎作响月光森林的灯火已经点亮引着彼岸归途人们安息过后踏上故乡啼血的夜莺已不再歌唱殷红落在木马上一起旋转红桃皇后化着浓妆兔子先生正要拜访我的眼睛蒙上了我的朋友们 快和我来玩捉迷藏我的眼睛在哪呢我的朋友们 是谁在我身旁世界是个巨大的游乐场谁在黑暗中躲藏烙入面具迷失了方向蒙眼小丑笑着 献上心脏世界是个巨大的迷宫屏障谁在这里被遗忘黑猫跑入无人的街巷那边的小孩 快来玩捉迷藏。



《叮咚捉迷藏》英文歌Hide and Seek 歌手Lizz Robinett Ding dong, I know you can hear me, 叮咚,我知道你能够听到我 open up the door, I only want to play a little 打开门吧,我只是想和你玩玩 Ding dong, you can't keep me waiting, 叮咚,你不能一直让我等 it's already too late for you to try and run away 对你来说尝试逃跑已经太晚了 I see you through the window 我透过窗户看到你了哦 Our eyes are locked together 我们的眼睛锁定在一起 I can sense your horror 我能够感觉到你的恐惧 Though I'd like to see it closer 可是我想更近地看看 Ding dong, here I come to find you, 叮咚,我来找你了哦 hurry up and run, let's play a little game and have fun 快跑,让我们玩一个小游戏吧 Ding dong, where is it you've gone to, 叮咚,你去了哪儿呢 do you think you've won, 你以为你已经赢了吗 our game of hide and seek has just begun 我们的游戏才刚刚开始 I hear your footsteps 我听到你的脚步声 Thumping loudly through the hallways 走廊里传来咚咚的响声 I can hear your sharp breaths 我能听见你急促的呼吸声 You're not very good at hiding 你真的不擅长躲藏啊 Just wait, you can't hide from me, I'm coming 等着吧,你是逃不掉的,我来了 Just wait, you can't hide from me, I'm coming 等着吧,你是逃不掉的,我来了 Just wait, you can't hide from me, I'm coming 等着吧,你是逃不掉的,我来了 Just wait, you can't hide from me 等着吧,你是逃不掉的 Knock knock, I am at your door now, 咚咚,我在你门前了哦 I am coming in, no need for me to ask permission 我进来了哦,不用经过你的许可 Knock knock, I'm inside your room now, 咚咚,我在你屋里了哦 where is it you've hid, our game of hide and seek's about to end 你藏在哪里了呢,我们的游戏快结束了 I'm coming closer 我来得更近了哦 Looking underneath your bed but 望向你的床下 You're not here, I wonder 但是你不在这里,我想知道 Could you be inside the closet? 你会在壁橱里面吗 Ding dong, I have found you 叮咚,我找到你了哦 Ding dong, you were hiding here 叮咚,你藏在这里啊 Now you're it 现在你输了 Ding dong, finally found you dear 叮咚,终于找到你了,亲爱的 Now you're it 现在你输了 Ding dong, looks like I have won 叮咚,看起来我赢了 Now you're it 现在你输了 Ding dong, pay the consequence. 叮咚,付出代价吧。



《叮咚捉迷藏》英文歌Hide and Seek 歌手Lizz Robinett Ding dong, I know you can hear me, 叮咚,我知道你能够听到我 open up the door, I only want to play a little 打开门吧,我只是想和你玩玩 Ding dong, you can't keep me waiting, 叮咚,你不能一直让我等 it's already too late for you to try and run away 对你来说尝试逃跑已经太晚了 I see you through the window 我透过窗户看到你了哦 Our eyes are locked together 我们的眼睛锁定在一起 I can sense your horror 我能够感觉到你的恐惧 Though I'd like to see it closer 可是我想更近地看看 Ding dong, here I come to find you, 叮咚,我来找你了哦 hurry up and run, let's play a little game and have fun 快跑,让我们玩一个小游戏吧 Ding dong, where is it you've gone to, 叮咚,你去了哪儿呢 do you think you've won, 你以为你已经赢了吗 our game of hide and seek has just begun 我们的游戏才刚刚开始 I hear your footsteps 我听到你的脚步声 Thumping loudly through the hallways 走廊里传来咚咚的响声 I can hear your sharp breaths 我能听见你急促的呼吸声 You're not very good at hiding 你真的不擅长躲藏啊 Just wait, you can't hide from me, I'm coming 等着吧,你是逃不掉的,我来了 Just wait, you can't hide from me, I'm coming 等着吧,你是逃不掉的,我来了 Just wait, you can't hide from me, I'm coming 等着吧,你是逃不掉的,我来了 Just wait, you can't hide from me 等着吧,你是逃不掉的 Knock knock, I am at your door now, 咚咚,我在你门前了哦 I am coming in, no need for me to ask permission 我进来了哦,不用经过你的许可 Knock knock, I'm inside your room now, 咚咚,我在你屋里了哦 where is it you've hid, our game of hide and seek's about to end 你藏在哪里了呢,我们的游戏快结束了 I'm coming closer 我来得更近了哦 Looking underneath your bed but 望向你的床下 You're not here, I wonder 但是你不在这里,我想知道 Could you be inside the closet? 你会在壁橱里面吗 Ding dong, I have found you 叮咚,我找到你了哦 Ding dong, you were hiding here 叮咚,你藏在这里啊 Now you're it 现在你输了 Ding dong, finally found you dear 叮咚,终于找到你了,亲爱的 Now you're it 现在你输了 Ding dong, looks like I have won 叮咚,看起来我赢了 Now you're it 现在你输了 Ding dong, pay the consequence. 叮咚,付出代价吧。






